Interaction Film Tour in Kragujevac and Novi Pazar during the May

“What do young people say: to leave or to stay?”

Interaction – international platform for production and educational programmes, dedicated to short documentary, is continuing a film tour called “What do young people say: to leave or to stay?”.The tour started in April, and it is continuing during May and June 2024. Interaction is visiting 7 cities and municipalities in Serbia with its Film Tour. The programme has already been held in Prijepolje, Užice and Požega, while in the next period it will be in Kragujevac, Novi Pazar, Čačak and Ivanjica.

Organized by IFC Filmart from Požega, in cooperation with local partners, films shot during last year’s Interaction Camp, on the topic of “Brain Drain”, will be shown. After the film screenings, panel discussions will be held with young people from places where the tour is organized.

Tour programme for May:

• Kragujevac – Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. – Student Cultural Centre – 

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• Novi Pazar – Monday, May 27, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. – Youth Office

IFC Filmart from Požega, as an organization active in Western Serbia, strives to contribute to the social development of the local community. In terms of that, the problem of migration of young people from the interior to larger cities or abroad is an unavoidable issue that has been dealt with for many years. Interaction: Student Film Camp, which contributes to the international cooperation of young people, their mobility, and circular migration, in 2023 and 2024 is dedicated to this problem.

The Interaction – Film Tour will be realized within the project Empowering Circular Migration Champions: Unleashing Western Serbia’s Creative Potential (Interaction 2024) supported by the US Embassy in Belgrade.